Friday, January 22, 2010

Racing Is For Suckers

While moving out the last remnants of my belongings from my parents house this week, I stumbled upon the only track ribbon I ever won in three years of high school. I tried to think of how many races I did over the period to get a percentage, because this is what I like to do while cleaning/drinking. I'd say I usually ran four races a meet. I would run the 800 meter, 1600 meter, 3200 meter, and the 3200 meter relay. Occasionally I would run the 400, but for argument's sake I'll leave that one out. There were roughly seven meets a year, 7 meets x 3 years, x 4 races = 84 races. So looking at it from that standpoint, I placed in about 1.2% of races I ever ran. Good, but not great. If memory serves me correctly, I finished 2nd out of three teams in the 3200 relay, so not only did I not do it all on my own, I'm pretty sure the top three finishers got ribbon, so I was destined to get one this race regardless. I have yet to finish last in any of the larger races I have ever ran in though, thank goodness for those walker people. Not not be surly about my racing career though, it was all just to stay in shape for soccer season. It is also the only the time I ever felt comfortable wearing such shor shorts. This racing edition of my blog has got me looking forward to racing season once the weather warms up, and this one I found called the warrior dash looks praticularly interesting. I will post the link at the end here, if anyone wants to do it or has any other interesting races to run this sumer let me know.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Long Time, No Blog

Sorry to all my faithful readers for the lapse in recent blogging, the holiday season ate up a lot of my time, and for those of you who did not hear, I also got engaged. I know, I was shocked too. Tensions have now eased dramatically on the home front, if only we could get the the Jewish and the Muslims engaged we would really have something going. It amazes me that they haven't brought me in for middle east negotiations yet. I received the Christmas presents of a 12 year old boy, and could not be happier about it. A new Nintendo DS, Super Mario Brothers Wii, Scattegories, and Taboo, were the real highlights. Just what I asked Santa for. The new year at work has brought all the fun I knew it would. The elderly and moronic have allready forgotten the definition of the word deductible, and the Medicaid patients haven't stopped bitching about their new $3.00 co-pay for hundreds of dollars of medications. Medicaid also seems to have gotten a little bit more stringent on Vicodin refills, which is what most Medicaid patients eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and afternoon snacks, so I look forward to all the fun the new year will bring. I hope everyone had a nice holiday and a happy new year. Hopefully news will now resume at a once a week flow.