Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I Don't Want to Be Your Pharmacist

I don't care anymore. If you are a dick to me, I am going to be a dick to you. I yelled at a deaf old man tonight. Why? Well one because he couldn't hear to well, but mainly two, because he was a huge dick. Did I also exploit his deafness to make some snide remarks to his face that he couldn't hear? You bet your ass I did. Right to his fucking face. It made me feel better, my techs thought it was hilarious, as did the people in the waiting area. When he threatened to never come back again, I told him that sounded like a great idea. I then wrote my name down for him so he can add his name to the laundry list of complainers against me today. Am I worried? Fuck no. These people are the scum of the Earth. I told some jackass yesterday I would not fill his promethazine with codeine prescription unless he came in with his doctor, the doctor brought his license in with him, and then I physically watched him write the prescription, and this guy's response was "Oh okay, I guess I'll go to another pharmacy." Lucky for him I called all the stores in the area I could think off to tell this guy to take a hike. Three days back from vacation and this is the mental state I am all ready in, not good. Only 30 more years to go.

1 comment:

  1. yeah, i don't know what i'll do if i have to come off of nights ever.
    Still holding out for retiring by 40.
