Saturday, October 29, 2011

I Finally Finished 'The Dark Tower' Series

Almost a year to the day after I started 'The Gunslinger' by Stephen King, I just finished the 7th and final book of the Dark Tower series. The series as a whole was great, but was kind of disappointed with the ending. It is hard to say if I was not thrilled because I was finally finished, or if it was just a let down. I had a similar feeling as I finished the Harry Potter books, but was more satisfied with the ending provided in that series. I do tip my hat to Stephen King for writing at least 3 books in this s series that I would consider to be great books, hard to do on a consistent basis using the same characters. The whole series itself took over 20 years for him to write, so I am glad I started it after the whole series was already completed, or I probably never would have continued after the first book. On that note, to any of the few people that read my rambling, if you do decided that you are looking for something new to read and decided to read this series, the first book is by far the worst. It is tough to get through, and you will not like the main character. There a lot of references to characters whom you don't meet until later books. The main character, Roland, is not really very likable. The hardest part for me going in to it was that I thought it was going to be more like a western movie. It is called 'The Gunslinger', the main character sounds much like an old Clint Eastwood character, and it starts off in a town that seems like the old wild west. The stories are more like reading a science ficton/'Lord of the Rings' book. This is exactly what Stephen King tells you he is going for if you read the author's introduction, but still hard to wrap your head around until about the third book. Overall I highly recommend these books, just be prepared to question whether you want to keep going after the first book, it is worth it.

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